Jun 17 18

Tentang Kami


About Us

Agarwood is the resinous heartwood that comes from the Aquilaria tree. Aquilaria is a fast-growing subtropical forest tree and the wood from this tree, once properly managed and processed, is used to produce oil known as “OUD” oil – this is a key ingredient in some of the most exclusive and expensive fragrances in the world, such as Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss.

The current global market for OUD oil and other related Agarwood products is estimated to be in the range of over USD 12 billion per annum and is ‘growing rapidly‘.

Despite this market size the demand for Agarwood and OUD oil is far greater than supply on a worldwide basis such that the price of this commodity has reached exorbitant levels, making it more expensive than gold.

Today due to very strict growing constraints, Agarwood farmers can only supply 20% of the world’s Agarwood demand, fueling its meteoric price increase year after year.

This strongly indicates that GKI has the right strategy to develop the Indonesian plantations for supply to the Indonesian and further to the global market.

GKI is already growing Aquilaria trees in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and is selling these to local buyers.

Vision Statement

To be recognized as one of Indonesia’s premier agriculture groups specializing in approved Agarwood Plantations for professional buyers and the production and sale of Agarwood products, building and utilising our own unique state-of-the-art Centre of Excellence as part of our production process.

Mission Statement

To be a trusted partner of the Indonesian local community working with farmers and growers, developing new techniques and inoculant methods with local Universities and providing social and environmental assistance to this community at large.